Mental Health Matters - Canterbury Safe Haven
Self referral, Money management & Budgeting advice, Housing Advice & Support, Advice & Support for Elderly People, Mental Health and Wellbeing Advice & Support, Family Services, Information, Guidance & Support for Carers, Addiction Advice & Support, Domestic Abuse Advice & Support, Homelessness Services, Volunteering Services, Digital Inclusion & Skills, Armed Forces Support & Advice, Community Services, Physical Wellbeing Advice & Support, Additional Needs & Learning Disabilities Support Services, Financial Vulnerability Advice & Support
The Safe Havens offer free mental health support in a welcoming, comfortable, non-judgmental, and non-clinical environment. Our experienced staff teams are available to provide emotional, social and practical support if you are in crisis or feel you are heading toward a crisis situation. You can come just for a chat, or to access one-to-one emotional support from trained mental health professionals. We also offer help in creating staying well and crisis plans, and support visitors to access other services and organisations that may be useful to them.
We also offer virtual support via telephone and video call.
We are open 365 days from 6 pm to 11 pm
We work closely with GPs, Community Mental Health Teams, Crisis Teams, A&E Mental Health Liaison Teams, Police and Ambulance Services, Street Triage, and other front-line healthcare professionals to ensure that people in emotional distress have a safe, supportive place to go to, with appropriate mental health support available.
People using the service will also be supported by our 24/7 helpline, which offers access to emotional support and information when the service is closed.
Please note: The Havens are not suitable for people needing urgent medical attention (for example, after self-harm). For urgent medical care please attend your nearest A&E or call 999.