
Orbit Housing Association - Better Days


Benefits advice, Money management & Budgeting advice, Fuel Advice & Support, Housing Advice & Support, Employability Support, Mental Health and Wellbeing Advice & Support, Digital Inclusion & Skills, Community Services, Damp and Mould Service, Financial Vulnerability Advice & Support


Orbit is a housing association and Better Days is a free programme available to all orbit residents only. It supports thousands of customers every year by offering access to expert advice and guidance designed to support financial and digital inclusion, mental health, employment and skills. Working with independent, expert partners such as Citizens Advice, Togetherall and Mind, Orbit customers can access help on range of services to help maintain their tenancies and personal wellbeing including: - Budgeting - Managing debt and maximising income - Accessing benefits and grants - Finding work - Digital skills - Mental health support - Energy advice For more information visit: https://www.orbitcustomerhub.org.uk/help-support/


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Golding Homes - Customer Success Team


Benefits advice, Money management & Budgeting advice, Fuel Advice & Support, Housing Advice & Support, Advice & Support for Elderly People, Employability Support, Community Services, Damp and Mould Service, Financial Vulnerability Advice & Support


The Customer Success Team covers all aspects of income management for our social rented properties and employment and welfare benefits support. Our Income Advisors support our customers to help sustain tenancies and maintain rent accounts. Our Welfare Benefits Advisors provide temporary intensive support including assistance with benefit claims, grant applications, help setting up utility bills and general debt issues. Our Employment Advisors offer practical help and advice on getting a job and accessing training.

County Gate One, Staceys St, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1ST

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Swale Borough Council - Private Sector Housing


Housing Advice & Support, Damp and Mould Service


Advice and Enforcement for the Private Rental Sector

Swale BC, East St, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 3HT

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Town and Country Housing - Health and Housing (North and West Kent)


Benefits advice, Housing Advice & Support, Advice & Support for Elderly People, Homelessness Services, Community Services, Damp and Mould Service


A friendly, confidential service offering practical support to help clients who have a housing related issue. Our support includes: • Moving furniture, including beds, to create a micro living space • Hoarding, clearing clutter and deep cleans • Home assessment for heating, hot water, health & safety issues • Referrals for telecare or minor equipment • Fit aids and adaptations, grab rails and key safes • Make your home safe to reduce trips and falls • Information and assistance on accessing grants including Disabled Facilities Grants and local discretionary assistance • Maximising benefits • Be-friending



Town and country Housing, Monson House, Monson Way, Tonbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1LQ

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Damp and Mould Initiative - Maidstone Borough Council


Fuel Advice & Support, Housing Advice & Support, Damp and Mould Service


The Damp and Mould Initiative helps Maidstone residents keep themselves and their homes healthy. Help is available for anyone in the Maidsonte Borough who are suffering from Damp and Mould and those concerned the problems could arise.

Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6JQ

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